What is Coaching?

Coaching is a way to take stock of where you are, design where you want to go, and begin moving in that direction. Simply put, a coach helps you gain clarity by asking powerful questions, challenging, championing, and providing you with accountability.

Coaching sessions help you discover your purpose, values, and perspective. They help you design and decide how you want to move forward in a way that is intentional and in alignment with what’s most important.

Some people come to the coaching table because they’re stuck. Some are in transition in their life, family, career, etc. Others simply know there is something else, something more, and coaching can help figure out just what that is.

What’s the Coaching Process?

If we decide to partner together, we’ll set our schedule. Each of our sessions together will involve discovering, designing, and deciding what to do about the insights that have emerged.

I recommend two 50-minute sessions per month for three months. Most clients find that six months is ideal for deepened insight and action to take root.

How do I know if Coaching is right for me?

Want to find out what coaching is about and whether you’d like to partner? Schedule a free sample session with me.